To avoid the charge that I'm only ever saying disparaging things against conspiracy theorists and homeopaths, I can occasionally level a strike against the other side - the aggressive skeptics and science nerds who constantly wring their hands (often with a self righteous smirk) about the intelligence level of mainstream society in general and Americans in particular. And it's always about general intelligence, ignoring the fact that there are multiple literacies. I know some
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Americans: Almost as Dumb as the Rest of the…
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To avoid the charge that I'm only ever saying disparaging things against conspiracy theorists and homeopaths, I can occasionally level a strike against the other side - the aggressive skeptics and science nerds who constantly wring their hands (often with a self righteous smirk) about the intelligence level of mainstream society in general and Americans in particular. And it's always about general intelligence, ignoring the fact that there are multiple literacies. I know some