Not only is Elon an abject idiot, he's also a delicate, little ❄🤣

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Jun 21Liked by S Peter Davis

Great. Now I want balloon underpants and a woke toaster.

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I want a toaster that will cook lasagne. Like, sod AI, make lasagne toaster.

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Much better use of technology.

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Jun 21Liked by S Peter Davis

How does one prove it?

You can only judge a person by their actions.

But if I say the right words at the right time.. you'll be mine?!

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Not me, I'm married 🤣

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I asked Claude the question that you claim stumps chat gpt. It answered quite reasonably and saw the trick. So maybe your thoughts on the limitations of AI are already outdated.

Question: what walks on 4 legs in the morning, 4 legs in afternoon, and 4 legs in the evening?

Answer: A logical approach to this riddle suggests we consider the literal interpretation first:

1. The classic answer to the similar riddle "What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?" is a human (crawling as a baby, walking as an adult, using a cane in old age).

2. However, this riddle specifically mentions four legs at all times of day.

3. Animals that consistently walk on four legs throughout their lives include:

- Most mammals (e.g., dogs, cats, horses)

- Many reptiles (e.g., lizards, crocodiles)

4. The mention of "morning," "afternoon," and "evening" doesn't seem to indicate a change in the creature's locomotion.

Given these considerations, the most straightforward answer would be:

Any four-legged animal that remains active throughout the day.

This could include domestic pets like dogs or cats, or wild animals like wolves or lions that may be active at various times.

However, it's worth noting that this riddle deviates from the more famous version, which might suggest there's a less obvious or more playful answer intended. If you have additional context or if this is part of a larger puzzle, that information could help in determining if there's a more specific or clever solution.

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